Create a 6-Figure Career and a Million Dollar Life

Get Noticed. Get Promoted. Get Real.


It can be a struggle

You have the degree(s), you do great work, you work your ars off…and you want to advance your career. But you’re not quite sure how to get there. Or (gasp) if you even want to try.

The working world feels really complicated and convoluted...and often filled with a lot of BS.


You feel like if you go for an even bigger career, you’ll have to compromise everything else to get there. Compromise time with your family, or compromise your relationship with your spouse, or compromise your health…or even compromise who you are.

Don’t settle for an “okay” career

It's so discouraging how often I hear people say:

"I'm already working myself to the bone, I can't possibly take on more."


"I'd love to advance, but I'm not good at the "politics" thing."


"I want to be really successful, but I don't know what path to take to get there."


"Will I be able to live up to my family, company, or even my own expectations?"

These sucky stories are holding you back. And these sucky stories simply aren’t true.

There was a time when I struggled too...

Hi, I’m Erin Hatzikostas – friend, mom, boss and career coach – all rolled into one. I became a corporate CEO at the age of 42. But it wasn’t easy. 

I spent over 20 years in the corporate world, bobbing and weaving my way into a CEO position. After literally failing at my first career as an aspiring Actuary, I started to do things differently. 


The ah-ha moment

I realized that instead of following the traditional rules - network, lean-in, have executive presence, blah blah - I could do things differently. I could focus more on standing out than stressing out.

In just four years I was promoted from Director to Sr. Director to Executive Director to CEO. I tripled my annual income and became the CEO of a healthcare financial company with 1,000 employees and $2 billion in financial assets. 


 Imagine a career that fulfills you without sacrificing the things that matter to you most



 When I changed my approach, I was able to:


Achieve incredible business success


Impact the lives of hundreds of people


Provide things for my family that I never thought possible


​Remain completely authentic and true to myself (and married!)




You can have one too. I’m on a hell-bent mission to guide, coach, and inspire you to get there!

Stand out, without selling out

After realizing it wasn’t luck that kept producing my success, I put a “formula” to what I’d figured out.

With authenticity being the river that run-ith through-ith...

I created a digestible, fun, and powerful roadmap that anyone can follow to stand out at work, without selling out.

I know what senior leaders are looking for. The truth is that there are a sea of people willing to work hard.

Hard work isn't enough.


It's the people that uniquely stand out that get promoted. It’s as simple as that.

Earn more, doing work you love

Can you imagine what it would feel like to make significantly more money? The truth is that people who advance further up the corporate ladder don’t earn a little more, they earn exponentially more.

Now let’s add to that. You won’t only earn exponentially more, you  can earn more AND be happier! It is completely possible. By using authenticity as a foundation and then layering on simple but powerful strategies and changes, you can have the “AND!”

"Working with Erin was life changing - literally. When I joined her coaching program, I was incredibly frustrated in my current job and fed-up with interviewing for months, without landing the jobs. After working with Erin for just one month, I not only landed a PERFECT new job, I landed the job I have wanted for so long! And, I received a huge pay increase with it! And most surprisingly, everything in my life turned around - my health and my overall happiness - were finally restored to where I knew they should be!"

Jen D.
CVS Health, Strategic Product Marketing Manager

Catapult your career forward

Here’s the good news: never before has there been a former corporate CEO turned career coach that will teach, inspire, and push you to have a big career, without compromise.


In this program you will:

  • Define and refine your career goals

  • ​Make authentic connections that advance your career

  • ​Get noticed and rewarded…without selling your soul!

  • ​Become an effective leader whom others WANT to follow

  • ​Communicate with senior management…the right way 

  • ​Stop only doing things for others (yes, I’m talking to you mom-types)

  • ​Unlock your full potential to pursue your dream job

  • ​Use what you’ve learned and keep it going for lifelong success

Earn more and work less!


"I’ve been lucky to learn and grow under Erin's leadership and have found a friend and mentor for life. I would highly recommend anyone else given this opportunity seize it and cherish it – it’s an investment worth paying for!"

Jenn P.
CVS Health Executive Director


 Not to mention these epic bonuses

" I felt stuck in my career following several re-orgs and management changes. I wasn’t sure what actions I should take in order to move forward professionally and felt frustrated. Working with Erin gave me the confidence I needed to take those additional steps to reach a milestone that had been in the back of my mind for a few years. My energy level also shifted and I saw myself and my talents differently, in a more objective and positive light. I’m now a Board Member of an organization that I am passionate about, and I’ve also made major strides in my career by being assigned to more highly-visible projects and product launches. Erin’s corporate experience along with her wry sense of humor played a very significant role in my life this year and I am truly grateful for her guidance. "

Tara Autrey

I wanted to build a program that was a no-brainer

A career coaching package that fits your needs and budget...




"Erin coached me how to specifically fight for my value at work. I'm excited to say that after making a case for myself three months ago, I just received a significant raise of more than 10%. Coaching matters!"

Nicole L.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you begin this program, start implementing some of the lessons, and you find yourself simply not being able to take these actions, I will refund your money completely. Pinky swear.


 I don't coach you how to have a big career.

I coach you how to have a big career AND a big life.



What would it “cost” you to stay where you're at?

  • Are you losing out on the financial  rewards you deserve at work?

  • Can your marriage sustain the work treadmill you’re running on?

  • Are you demonstrating the career and life you want your kids to have one day? 


If you feel stuck in your current job, you have several options to change your situation:

  • Get a new college degree, but that's incredibly expensive, a lot of work, and takes years to complete

  • ​Attend conferences or webinars, but they lack the sustainability and accountability that is critical to success (and can be so boring)

  • ​Seek out mentors, but they don't have the time to truly coach you, keep you accountable, and give you action to take on a regular basis

  • ​Hire a personal, executive coach, but they’re very expensive 


People might expect to pay $10,000 or more to get the hands-on coaching that b BRILLIANT provides.


Look, I know it’s not a small amount of money. If you’re looking for incremental change in your career, this isn’t the program for you.

If instead you've always believed in investing in your career and yourself, this is the program for you.

If your goal is to become a manager, director or executive, those roles come with massive salaries (not to mention bonus programs and stock options!)

Getting there takes a very strategic approach. Not only did I figure this out for myself, I also promoted many people into these senior levels. 

I know what it takes. And I know what leaders are looking for.

What would even a modest raise be worth to you? How would it feel to blow that expectation out of the water + do it in a way that was fun, exciting, and not focused on simply working harder?

Ask Your Boss to Support your Career Growth

Download Reimbursement Template

Frequently Asked Questions

Maybe it will help if I tee up the most frequently asked questions before enrolling in b BRILLIANT

The course is totally self-paced so that's a-ok! Although I'll highlight a new module each week (as to not overload you), you have lifetime access to the course.

Also, I intentionally designed this course to be light, airy, bite-sized…and it includes splashes of unexpected humor, which will actually have you curious and excited to watch and participate.

The online Facebook group and group coaching calls will also give you a whole bunch of “Accountabili-buddies” to keep you motivated at on track (and yes, I’ll be there too).

This will help! I teach the value of so many things that will help you break away from those that are blocking you and set off on your own course.

Most definitely not. Some of the things I teach in this course, I didn’t learn until I was in my 40s! It is never too late to grab ahold of your career…your life, and make it more than it is today.

To be blunt, I would say that you don’t have the time to NOT take this workshop.

First of all, the video lessons won’t take more than 30 minutes a week.

Secondly and most importantly, I will teach you in the workshop how to get off that non-stop treadmill and start investing in yourself and your career.

Enrollment is only open until September 25th. Once in the course, it's there for you to do at your pace, so you could purchase it during this enrollment but delay your focus to when you're ready in a month or so.

I will likely offer the course again sometime in 2020, however I don’t have a specific date for it yet. The price of the course next year may also increase.

Look, I totally get it. The workshop will still be massively helpful without joining the online community. I’d also be happy to hear successes and challenges from you via other channels – email, other social sites like Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

This Offer Expires Soon!

Here’s a recap of what's in the program:

  • 7 Modules, 17 Video Coaching Lessons
  • 15 Course Worksheets
  • Bi-weekly LIVE group coaching calls*
  • Access to the b BRILLIANT Exclusive Facebook Group
  • Bonus #1: b Noticed Toolkit & Checklist
  • Bonus #2: 10 Podcasts That Can Change Your Life
  • [Limited Time] Bonus #3: Ability to give away a 2nd membership to someone in need!

An opportunity to have a life you love = priceless.

Silver Membership (On-demand Online Coaching Program)


Gold Membership (Silver + Bi-weekly Live Group Coaching)


One-time payment of




Platinum Membership (Gold + 3 Private Coaching Sessions)


One-time payment of




"Erin's coaching helped me double-down on the unique person I am and gave me permission to go 'all-in' to be the authentic leader I wanted to be. Months after working with Erin, I was able to land a job promotion and a leadership role in one of the most exciting areas of the company. At the same time, Erin also helped me start and grow my own business (I'm a parallel-preneur) so that one day I can fully step into the career and calling I was put on this earth to do!"

Erin B.
CVS Health Sr. Director

 What you can expect to find in your 

b BRILLIANT On-demand Online Course

Module 1

Getting Started

In this first module, I will set the stage for the work to come – what you can expect and, well, what not to expect too. I also add in some unexpected humor right out the gate...and never look back.

Module Highlights:

  • You will be coached to set your intentions. When you clearly define your intentions, goals and outcomes – it is nearly impossible not to achieve them. 

  • After watching the video lessons, you will answer some simple and powerful questions that will set the current and end state vision as to what you want to get from the workshop.

Module 2

Making Connections

In this module, I will coach you on familiar things, in an unfamiliar way.

Module Highlights:

  • “Networking” will be defined in a whole new way by focusing on how to make authentic connections in every interaction you have.
  • We'll dig into and debunk the term "office politics" and coach you to remove it from your list of reasons you can't go further up the "ladder".
  • I coach on the all too important Mentors and Sponsors, but I introduce the concept of "Expanders" and "Anti-Sponsors" as well.

Module 3

Getting Uncomfortable

Things start to heat up here, and we don’t look back. In this module, we talk about the single biggest, career-boosting strategy I took – taking on reach assignments.

Module Highlights:

  • Inspiring stories and very tangible steps you can take to start (or continue) to take on new work, projects, and jobs that stretch you until you’re about 50% uncomfortable. 
  • We dig right into making mistakes...and how these are gold mines for growth and getting noticed.

Module 4

Standing Out

This is the fun stuff! If you’re not standing out, you’re blending in. And that’s not fun.

Module Highlights:

  • We tackle the 3 most powerful building blocks for leadership and how critical it is to practice these well before you’re a manager (and it’s also never too late).

  • I will also do some straight talk about how critical it is to communicate with senior leaders in the right way. If you can't nail this, I’m sorry to say your career growth is limited. It’s sad but true.

  • I debunk the myths (hint: it’s not just for the big stage or extroverts), the science and power behind storytelling, and finally, I give you my five proven categories for storytelling. Then I put you to work, building your own story library.

Module 5

Focusing on You

All the things we learned up to this point are all for nothing, if you don’t have the guts and discipline to focus on yourself.

Module Highlights:

  • We have a LOT of fun in one of these lessons (you won’t believe the sh*t I think of doing sometimes to make a point). And it will leave you with permission to stop only doing things for others…especially you “mom types”.

  • This might even be the most important lesson there is. We also talk about setting boundaries for yourself. Guess what? You are the only person that will do this. I give you very small, practical tips to implement and build upon. 

Module 6

Going For It

You didn’t think I’d leave you hanging, did you? In this module I walk you through a 3-step process to prepare and ask for the promotion you deserve.

Module Highlights:

  • I walk you through a 3-step process to prepare and ask for the promotion you deserve.
  • Not quite sure your next step is in the company you’re in?  I also lead a lesson about the most strategic way to look for your next job. And most importantly, what NOT to focus on in that process as well (eh-hem – other people’s opinions).

Module 7

Crossing the Finish Line

In this final module, I bring full-on Coach Erin to the lessons to ensure you’re inspired and accountable to take what you’ve learned and keep it going.

Module Highlights:

  • I give you my own, weird-a$$ version of “Win one for the Gipper” speech  

  • I talk about other ways we can continue to kick each other in the pants towards more and more success!

b BRILLANT Member Bonuses

Bonus #1: b Noticed Toolkit & Checklist

This toolkit is a nicely packaged document to reference. It contains my top 10 strategies that helped me rise in my career. I also throw in a handy 2-page checklist so you can check things off your “ta-da" list!

Bonus #2: 10 Podcast Episodes That Can Change Your Life

I am a podcast junkie, and I attribute over 50% of my success in heading out on a path less traveled to information and inspiration I’ve gotten from podcasts. I have literally listened to thousands of episodes, and I carefully curated my top 10 for you to enjoy.

Enroll Now

"I expected a typical conference about skills and competencies, in a thoughtful way but things I most likely already knew. I was met with a surprise and an “exceeds expectations” on delivery and personal touch in the message."

Jennifer C.

Want to know if you're a good fit for my Platinum Program?

Are you curious if the Platinum plan, which includes private coaching, is right for you? Let's jump on a call and figure it out. (Trust me, I'll be straight with you!)

We can do great things, together!


Look, I'm going to be frank here. I have a superpower: when I’m able to work with people, magical things happen. I left my fancy, fun and lucrative career for a reason. I want to help others – I want to help you – have the same (or more) success I had.


It breaks my heart that so many amazing people aren’t the ones climbing the corporate ladder. Too often, it’s the same old, middle-aged “dudes” (sorry dudes). That’s why in 2018 I decided to walk away from it all and focus on sharing what I know with others. 


I am incredibly confident that if you join this program, I can help you fundamentally change the trajectory of your career… and your life.  I designed this program to be affordable for anyone to get the “executive coaching” that my company spent tens of thousands of dollars on. I designed this program to help the good guys and girls rise to the top.


I designed this program to change millions of lives. I hope you’ll be one of them.

Erin's Story

Erin is the living, breathing business case for authentic leadership. 


Erin spent her career “first half” working in the corporate world, where at the age of 42, she became the CEO of a $2bn healthcare financial institution. In just 3 years, she tripled earnings and sent employee engagement skyrocketing.


And just when things were going great, she decided to walk away so that she could help solve what truly breaks her heart: the immense lack of authenticity and happiness in Corporate America. 

Now the founder of b Authentic inc, Erin is provoking a movement to eradicate the all-too-fake Corporate environment by inspiring and enabling an army of people to crush their career, without compromising everything else.

Erin is a prolific speaker, thought leader, and edutainer. She has spoken in front of thousands, is a regular contributor to Business Insider and several industry-leading publications. She also cohosts an offbeat career and leadership podcast, b Cause with Erin & Nicole. She is a CEO, wife, mother, coach, runner, MBA, and a Running Man enthusiast.

* Available on Gold & Platinum plans

** Buy one, give one only applies to the online, on-demand course and group coaching (excludes private coaching)

Although it's possible to achieve a 6-figure salary, results are only applicable to those people that recognize that they must do the work and follow-through. The "million-dollar life" reference is meant to indicate that participants will be coached to have a big career, while also maintaining and/or achieving a life that includes less compromising the important things in life, such as family and friends.


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